Our Mission

PEI Developers is simply an informal group of software developers, web designers, and other techies. It’s a Nerd Club.

We meet monthly, and organize hackathons on occasion. Some time back, our co-organizers drafted a mission statement. Here it is…

At PEI Developers, we value:

Inclusion. You are welcome here. We offer a friendly atmosphere regardless of gender, race, LGBT, and so on. We aren’t a youth centre, but we welcome talented young people who are engaged in software development.

Openness. We celebrate the principles of Open Data. Open-source is a given.

Individuals. We encourage the development of the individual software developer (as opposed to a business incubator). We mentor on development, presentation skills, project management and more. Our group ranges widely in experience, but we all share a common passion for software.

Community. We want to interact with existing organizations to build a “tech scene” on PEI. We’ll work with government, industry, schools, youth: you name it. We’re opinionated, independent, and eager to help. Let’s go!

PEI Devs